Not much developing on this story yet, but Wall Street Journal music critic Jim Fusilli posted this on his Twitter feed earlier today: "In October, Rhino to release Ravi Shankar-George Harrison boxed set." There was a link along with the tweet, but it just linked to a documentary about chants of India on YouTube, for which Harrison was interviewed.
UPDATE (2:51 P.M.): This article has some more info. Collaborations, as it's called, looks to collate three Shankar records produced by Harrison - Shankar Family and Friends (1974), Ravi Shankar's Music Festival from India (1976) and Chants of India (1997) - as well as a live DVD comprised of a rare performance at London's Royal Albert Hall in 1974. Look for it from Dark Horse/Rhino on October 19.
Hit the jump to see the track lists for the original records.
George Harrison and Ravi Shankar, Collaborations (Dark Horse/Rhino, 2010)
Disc 1: Shankar Family ૐ Friends (originally released as Dark Horse AMLH-22002 (U.K.)/SP-22002 (U.S.), 1974)
- I Am Missing You
- Kahān Gayelavā Shyām Saloné
- Supané Mé Āyé Preetam Sainyā
- I Am Missing You (Reprise)
- Jaya Jagadish Haré
- Overture
- Festivity & Joy
- Love-Dance Ecstasy
- Lust (Rāga Chandrakauns)
- Dispute & Violence
- Disillusionment & Frustration
- Despair & Sorrow (Rāga Marwā)
- Awakening
- Peace & Hope (Rāga Bhatiyār)
Note: Tracks 6-14 were a suite entitled "Music for a Ballet" with three movements: Dream (Tracks 7-8), Nightmare (Tracks 9-12) and Dawn (Tracks 13-14)
Disc 2: Ravi Shankar's Music Festival from India (originally Dark Horse AMLH-22007 (U.K.)/SP-22007 (U.S.), 1976)
- Vandana
- Dhamar
- Taranga
- Chaturang
- Raga Jait
- Kajri
- Bhajan
- Naderdani
- Dehati
Disc 3: Chants of India (originally released as Angel Records 7243 8 55948 2 3 (U.K.), 1997)
- Vandanaa Trayee
- Omkaaraaya Namaha
- Vedic Chanting
- Asato Maa
- Sahanaa Vavatu
- Poornamadah
- Gaayatri
- Mahaa Mrityuniaya
- Veenaa-Murali
- Geetaa
- Mangalam
- Hari Om
- Svara Mantra
- Vedic Chanting
- Prabhujee
- Sarve Shaam
Disc 4: DVD - Ravi Shankar's Music Festival from India: Live at the Royal Albert Hall, 1974
I actually wouldn't mind having some Ravi Shankar music, though I probably wouldn't need much. Now if we could get a nice career-spanning George boxed set, and maybe a live set from the 1974 tour (assuming there were any shows worth releasing from the tour).