Thinking about next week's John Lennon reissues and where to buy them? If you like Target, it may be the place to get a hold of at least some of the sets. We've confirmed that those who purchase the new deluxe edition of Double Fantasy (with the "Stripped Down" bonus disc) and the Power to the People compilation at the Bullseye will receive a $5 gift card with purchase.
Sure, it's not extra tracks, but it might be a minor incentive if you have other purchases to make at the retailer - and it's nice to see catalogue material getting a bit of love from a big box store. (Target's actually done a semi-decent job in that field, offering bonus tracks on Jimi Hendrix's Valleys of Neptune and selling the bonus disc to The Rolling Stones' Exile on Main St. reissue as a standalone set.)
At the very least? Think of it as something to go toward your iPad purchase.
Not Lennon related, but speaking of extra material for the Hendrix Valleys Of Neptune reissues, Wal Mart had a limited edition CD single of Valleys Of Neptune that featured a non-album track called Peace In Mississippi. Probably goes without saying that Hendrix rips it up on that rack. Well worth tracking down.