Do you enjoy the news, reviews and features you find here at The Second Disc? We're thrilled to let you know about a few new ways to stay even more connected with us! Since our launch in January 2010, we have endeavored, in the words of founder Mike Duquette's initial post, to be "an all-purpose stop for those who are interested in the back catalogue offerings of the day." We've had the great pleasure of getting to know many of you through your thoughtful and incisive comments on a variety of those offerings, and we're proud of the sense of community that you have all fostered here at TSD.
Mike and I love to hear from you almost as much as we love to hear music! So we hope you visit our official The Second Disc Twitter feed, @TheSecondDisc! There, you'll find instant access to each and every posting you find here, plus bite-size trivia, up-to-the-minute news and other surprises! In addition to checking out @TheSecondDisc, you can find your two catalogue correspondents on Twitter! Please follow us at @MikeDuquette and @ItsJoeMarchese!
Our Second Disc circle has also been expanding at Facebook. Please visit our Official FB page, where we'll often post favorite video links, dig through our archives to rediscover past features, and keep you updated on the biggest stories of the day.
Finally, we'd like to remind you about the pages over to the right! We've just added links for easy access to our ongoing features: Back Tracks, Reissue Theory, Friday Feature and Greater Hits! You'll also find our comprehensive and newly-updated Review Archive as well as The Suggestion Box. Please click here to post your ideas for albums, artists, bands, genres, film and stage scores and anything - or anybody - else you'd like to see us cover here. We're here for you, so don't be shy: please chime in! We promise to read each and every suggestion!
We hope to see you on Twitter, Facebook and of course, right here. Stay tuned for more fun to come as we move forward in our third year!
I would prefer to communicate the old-fashioned way: two orange juice cans connected by a tight string.
If you can let us know where you plan to set up the orange juice can telephone stations so we can hear the latest from Second Disc, please do it as soon as possible.
I understand that voice recognition software has made communication by orange juice cans and string workable to distances as great as 100 feet (more in high humidity zones as wet string carries sound better).
Where are you located?
90 percent of TSD's correspondence is done through this phone:
Speak for yourself! 🙂 I prefer the old-fashioned ram's horn model: