On a typical day, longtime readers of The Second Disc would do well (if you aren't already) to check out Matt Rowe's excellent MusicTAP site. It's harder to imagine a bigger music fan than Matt, who's got a knack for posting great, thought-provoking pieces on favorite albums, artists and genres and is a valuable asset to any music enthusiast's online conversations. It's safe to say that without his spirit, there might have never have been the impetus to start The Second Disc, so for that, we thank him.
It's also why we want to let you know that, if you point your browser toward the site, you're not getting anything for a reason. Matt's been hacked! Not cool, Internet. Rest assured, though, he'll be up and running before long - and you can, if you're not already, keep abreast of TAP on Facebook and Twitter.
Seems like Matt has nothing but trouble with that site...constant server issues, now hacking...Shame.
I only know Matt though Music Tap, and his occasional moonlighting for The Morton Report, but the guy's a class act. He loves music, and it shows on his wonderful, insightful, and informative website.
That said, it really sucks that he's had such a run of bad luck. If I'm not mistaken, this is the second time in recent months he's been hacked, along with the server issues RoyalScam mentioned.
I wouldn't blame him for bagging it after all this crap, but I hope he perseveres. He provides a great service, so I'd hate to see it go. Best wishes, Matt!
Thanks to all for their support. I'm working on now going to a new server with, hopefully, better security. I will be back.