‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring…not even The Second Disc. It’s that time of year, folks, where we hope you’ll be spending time with your loved ones, looking back on the events of the past twelve months, and looking forward to a happy, healthy and fulfilling 2014.
Watch this space for some special surprises coming up soon…and rest assured that we’ll be back on a regular posting schedule in the first full week of the New Year with even more news, reviews and features just for you! We're entering our fourth year in January, and we can promise you that 2014 will be the most exciting yet for The Second Disc.
In the meantime, Mike and I would like to wish you and yours the merriest of holidays and a very Happy New Year! Cheers!
Merry Christamas & Happy New Year! Keep up the great work!!
Thank you Joe, this blog has been essential to my web existence!! Merry Christmas and a prosperous musical 2014.
Thank you for another great year Joe, this blog is essential to my web existence! Merry Christmas and a very prosperous, musical 2014.
Thanks to you guys for keeping the Second Disc going. I love it, and from what I've seen when I go to Amazon after reading one of your posts, you sell records too.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to you.
Bill Scherer
Guys, thanks so much for this blog. I check it regularly to plan my purchases. I hope you and your families had a great Christmas and have a wonderful 2014. Thanks again!!!!
Hurry back I need my daily fix of Second Disc!!!
Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. Hope we all will have a Happy New Year!! Looking forward to more reissues in 2014!!