Christmas is almost upon us! And here at The Second Disc, Mike, Randy, Ted and I would all like to thank you, our readers, for making our fifth year our most spectacular yet! In 2015, we redesigned our website, welcomed new writers and new readers, and launched Second Disc Records. And our plans for 2016 are even bigger!
We believe that the holiday season is the perfect time to do what we love to do best: share the gift of music. We call our annual tradition - what else? - Second Discmas!
This year, we're giving you the opportunity to WIN ONE OF NINE SURPRISE CD GRAB BAGS filled with recent and vintage titles from our favorite labels, all of which you read about on a daily basis at TSD. You can win one of the following surprise grab bags, assembled especially for you by the elves at Second Disc HQ:
- '60s Soul Pack
- '70s Soul Pack # 1 (featuring a collection of releases from one artist)
- '70s Soul Pack # 2 (featuring releases from various artists)
- '80s Soul Pack
- '60s/'70s Pop Girls Pack
- Classic Rock Pack # 1 (featuring various artists)
- Classic Rock Pack # 2 (featuring two mini-box sets!)
- Classic Rock Pack # 3 (featuring a collection of releases from one fab artist!)
- The Second Disc's Swinging Grab Bag (there's a little bit of everything in here!)
Winning has never been easier!
Simply send us an email to theseconddisc-at-gmail-dot-com with the subject line "SECOND DISCMAS," YOUR NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS, plus YOUR TOP THREE PICKS FROM THE ABOVE LIST!
This Second Discmas giveaway runs through 11:59 p.m. EST on December 26, 2015 at which time nine random winners will be selected. Please note that entrants will be eligible to win one of the nine prize packs above, but winners are not guaranteed to receive one of their three preferences. The full list of nine winners will be announced the following week at The Second Disc. Contest open to all. Only one entry per person. All winners at sole discretion of The Second Disc. U.S. residents only, please. Good luck!
From all of us to all of you, we wish you Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and the best New Year yet!
I may or may not have included my mailing address when I sent the email. Have the winner's been announced yet? Thanks!
The contest is closed but the winners haven't been announced yet - watch this space for that soon! In the meantime, feel free to send your address in a second email, and if your original email is drawn as a winner, you'll still be eligible, and we will refer to it! Happy New Year!
Thanks Joe! Resending now!
I'm an Australian Fan and Subscriber of Your Site,do you ever do Competition Giveaways for people outside of The United States of America?
I would LOVE to Win the Girl Pop or any of the Rock Packs if I could.. 🙁
Thanks for reading, Dan! Many of our giveaways are open to all of our wonderful international readers. While this one is not, please watch this space for future possibilities! Happy Holidays!