Hello and Happy New Year, dear readers. Sure, we said we'd return on January 2, but some news is just too good to wait on, especially when it involves a new Paul McCartney song!
Paul McCartney has been his usual busy self in the past few months. Most recently he's been trekking across the world on tour. Earlier this month, he released the latest volumes in his ongoing Archive Collection--Wild Life, Red Rose Speedway, and a deluxe set combining those two volumes with Wings live takes from 1972. You can read our reports on those sets here. In September, he released his latest album of original material, Egypt Station, an acclaimed album that featured some of his most ambitious work in years.
Now he's premiered a new song called "Get Enough." Culled from those fruitful Egypt Station sessions, the New Year's surprise sees McCartney joining up again with OneRepublic frontman Ryan Tedder, who co-wrote and produced the song and contributed backing vocals and various programming. Tedder also co-produced "Fuh You" on Egypt Station.
So ring in 2019 with the new Paul McCartney track below! It's also available on Amazon (see links below) and in CD-quality resolution from Qobuz!
Paul McCartney, "Get Enough" (MPL/Capitol, 2019) (Amazon U.S. / Amazon U.K.)
- Get Enough
Fuh You has got to be the biggest waste of time in years from Paul. That being said, the new bonus track sounds quite good, And the two bonus tracks on the deluxe album are also great stuff. I do not see "Get Enough" yet available for purchase from itunes Canada. Will this situation soon change?
It's available now on iTunes Canada.
There must be something wrong with the stream. It sounds auto-tuned.
It is auto tuned..........it sounds horrible........
Wow...this is pretty bad.Lets be honest...no 'emperors new clothes syndrome' excuses.Love Paul but he's got a minimum on the' higher bar' he needs to launch new songs from.
This has got to be a joke? Auto tune?!?!?! wtf he is a 74 year old man, not a fucking teenager.
Make that 76 years old.
One of the worst recordings Paul has ever released.
Maybe it is good that I haven't heard this new song. Is it worse that "Ou Est Le Soleil" or "Check My Machine"?
By the way, despite promising to launch a U.S.A. subsidiary for the past 5 years, Qobuz's latest attempt to launch a U.S.A. subsidiary has faltered, just like all previous attempts. This time, they got as far as launching a U.S.A. website, but it will sell only to "invited customers"; music and electronics industry insiders and journalists who report on those industries.
For the past decade, the situation has been that whenever record companies license any recordings exclusively to the Qobuz download store, that the end result is that the recordings are available to Americans only via illegal download sites. The record companies and the inept Qobuz are equally to blame. If Qobuz ever begins to do business in the U.S.A., they might find a niche in the music streaming market, but as for selling downloads in this country, it is probably too little,too late.
Whether the obstacles to Qobuz opening to the general public in America are technological or legal, Qobuz is a No Buzz in America. Yes, I'm aware that some tech-savvy consumers have found loopholes and computer tricks to circumvent the ban on American customers at overseas Qobuz sites, but why should I have to beg or trick Qobuz to do business with Americans?
Qobuz intentionally misled "Sound and Vision" magazine to believe that Qobuz would be open for business in the U.S.A. in November 2018, so "Sound and Vision" gave Qobuz loads of favorable publicity. But Qobuz humiliated "Sound and Vision" by not opening. Do I believe that Qobuz's U.S.A. subsidiary will truly be open for business in 2019? No. Their launches in some overseas territories have gone through up to 2 years of postponements. It may be copyright/royalties-related issues.
I’ve been a big McCartney/Beatles fan forever but some of his stuff has just been bad of late. His voice is gone and he’s written enough music for three lifetimes.
It sounds like a Swamp Dogg outtake from his latest album (quite recommended). I am quite tired of auto-tune, but in spite of Ryan overdosing auto-tune particularly in this track, I simpatize with his efforts to see what it does. It's actually better than some of his songs from Egypt Station. He is better when he leaves his comfort zone most of the times.
I haven't been impressed with 99% of his output over the last 20 years. It just seems like he's run out of ideas and the song book is empty. Fair enough, I won't stone him for continuing to try. Unfortunately I keep buying them. Fortunately, I can still listen to his 60's and 70's stuff and do at least weekly.
This new song is bad, as is most of Egypt Station, but for 20 years??
Have you hear Chaos and Creation In the Backyard, Memory Almost Full, Electric Arguments (under the name “The Fireman”), and New?
Excellent albums all, and better than most of his 70s and 80s output. i said “most.” Band on the Run, McCartney, and RAM are all fantastic too, of course. As is much of Venus and Mars, and I like much of Flowers In the Dirt and Flaming Pie too.
Anyhow, Paul was on something of a roll in the 21st century for awhile. That changed in the last couple of years. I blame his meeting Kanye. Nothing good can come from that.
I was the biggest Beatles fan ever, in the day, and still am. They are the greatest rock and roll band of all time. I love them as a group. I love their independent work~~except that I came to terms a few years ago with the fact that Paul, on his own, is not good. That is, in my book, he is awful. John? Incredible. George? Great. Ringo and his ever changing band --great. Paul? Not good. I do not like the music of Paul McCartney as an individual. It pains me to say it. I also believe that Paul fans will come round to ANYTHING that he does. I was like that. I remember buying "McCartney" back in the day and playing it. It was awful. There was nothing that I liked. But, it was Paul McCartney, Beatle, so I played it and replayed it until I convinced myself to love it. I was just reading a fan who wrote that, at first, s/he didn't like "Fuh You," but came to like it after playing it over and over. Mmm hmmm, I get it. You love Paul, so you'll make yourself like it. Personally, I think it's a case of the emperor who wore no clothes. Politically, he's done the work to get a media who will not be honest. Where he deserves an F letter grade, he gets a C---all because he was a Beatle. What the heck is he doing in this song? Why would he ever ever go to auto- tuning? John is probably getting a gigantic laugh. Auto- tuning is awful, it isn't music and it calls for zero talent. Same guy who helped him with "Fuh You" worked with him in this. Yes, he has lost his voice, but this is even worse. He is going from best group musician on the planet to worst individual musician. Having said that, I'd like to say that I love his artwork. I think he's underrated as an artist. It isn't easy coming up with ideas like his and the way he presents them is marvelous. I don't know why people aren't flipping over that. People have treated him like music royalty, deservedly so, for his work as a Beatle, for so long that I think the reality of who he is as an individual artist is gone. I don't like anything he's done après Beatles. His artwork, however, is really very good.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but this really is a ridiculous set of statements. For a start, placing all of the solo Beatles musical careers ahead of McCartney: Ringo?
But worse than that McCartney's musicial odyssey post-1970 has many many highs and anyone who cant appreciate the experimentation and innovation of the 'McCartney' album is missing a treat. Maybe we should just leave such musical taste to appreciate such delights as Ringo and his All-Starr Band do country classics live or whatever is on the last Ringo album!