L-R: Joe Marchese, Mike Duquette (in desperate need of a haircut), Sam Stone, Jeff James (Legacy Recordings), Andy Skurow (UMe)
Ten years ago, I was writing my first post for The Second Disc, a website about music reissues I thought was a pretty bright idea. A lot has changed since then.
The first posts were written in the bedroom of a suburban New Jersey home - the house I grew up in and moved back into after post-college economic downturn made it the best possible choice to live. This post was written in an apartment in Queens that I share with a lovely fiancée who is very cool about the amount of box sets here.
When The Second Disc opened its digital doors, I had a few months of experience interning with a major catalog label, and it enchanted me forever. The idea that reissues of classic albums loaded with extra tracks or expanded liner notes, or box sets stuffed with rarities for hardcore fans, were actually created by people who loved the music as much as a buyer did should not have been a novel concept. But it just wasn't a story you heard about often - which I wanted to change when I registered this site to WordPress. (For trivia geeks: rejected title ideas included Reissue Theory, our earliest feature about the what-if deluxe editions we've all created, and Catalogic, which seemed silly on its own and worse if you added an "s" in front.)
There were a lot of things I wanted to accomplish with this site. There was the want for a community of positive, like-minded music enthusiasts. I was 22 and felt rather self-conscious about being so fascinated by digging up songs of the past and placing them in context today. There was the desire for self-expression: I don't know that anyone else would care enough about learning about how "The Grease Megamix" was made, so I had to ask those questions myself. Then there was the selfish hope that my work would be noticed by the reissue labels that were then in a period of transition - and maybe, just maybe, enchant enough people to find some work within the business.
I'm happy to report that all of these goals happened. The amount of folks I've interviewed - some of which remain my favorite people in the business and some of which I forgot I'd spoken to until I went back into our archives - makes me happy that my skills as a storyteller have grown. The site does feel like a community, particularly on the back end. Meeting Joe, Sam and everyone who's made this site what it is has been one of the greatest honors of my time here. And yes, I have been lucky to work with reissues, which can be pretty cool.
There would be no Second Disc without Joe. OK, without me either. But definitely Joe.
The Second Disc has succeeded in ways I couldn't have predicted either. I claim nothing about the success of Second Disc Records, which Joe Marchese has brilliantly parlayed into a haven for really cool CD and vinyl releases. But I do take no small pride in its creation off the strength of what we have both created with this site. I am so grateful that Joe reached out (over a message board!) excited about the work I was doing, and offering his services. If you've read any of his work here, you know I made the right choice, too.
Since that first post a decade ago, the reissue business has changed. And it will continue to change. I never thought I'd get excited to find rarities or reissues appear on streaming services - but that's where many consumers are, and every listener, no matter how they're listening, deserves thoughtful and incisive dives into the history of recorded music the world over. I hope no one on either side of the business loses sight of the joy music brings us all. It's not just a thing to enjoy on a drive or at a party, but a catalyst for love, hope, and strength - all qualities we need more of, no matter how plentiful they may be in our lives.
My immense gratitude to any of the thousands and thousands of you who've taken the time to read this site over the years - you're the reason it's here. There's something in the works to properly celebrate with you later this year - but for now, play something you love and share it with someone!
I love this site and I really enjoyed this post! Keep up the awesome work!
Congratulations and thank you for the great articles. I always look forward to the next one! Thanks.
Congrats, guys! Here’s to 10 more years!
Congrats guys! You've created a great website. Keep up the good work.
Congrats guys, keep up the good work!
Congratulations & keep on funkin' ! Many thanks for your story & stories so far !
I always look forward to seeing which of my favorites will the 'deluxe treatment' next. I tip my hat to the work you do here to make us aware, as well as to the great labels who deliver them. Extra nice with ABBA here, too!
Love this site. Visit it almost daily!
Thanks for all you do.
Great work. Thanks for respecting the disrespected groups (Monkees and etc.) that are our not-so- guilty pleasures.
This is an invaluable resource and always a lively read. Congrats on your 10th anniversary and here's to many more!
Yours is the only emailing I look forward to opening each morning. Congrats on the first ten . . and here’s to many more. Thank you and CHEERS!
Love this site, love the reissues, and love CDs! Fingers crossed they never go extinct . . . .
This is such a great site! Not only is run by people whom I affectionately term "music nerds", such as myself, but real fans of the great stuff out there has has sadly been lost through the passage of time. You've turned me on to great music I've never heard of, and taught me things about some of my favorite artist! You should all be commended for top-notch quality work! I hope this site lasts soooooo much longer than just another 10 years! Thank you, and cheers!!
Congrats, people!
Truly, your collective efforts to inform your subscribers about so many reissues we wouldn't have known about, otherwise, is much appreciated. Your posts have enhanced the quality of my always expanding CD collection. I'm grateful for the insight you provide, plus the care you take in giving us the track listings, and informative biographies!
Thank You, Most Sincerely!
Keep up the great work !! I enjoy all the updates on new releases !!! Lots of info here that I wouldn't find elsewhere !!!
Been a sub since not too long after day one. You’ve created something original, and indispensable.
Keep it going. And congrats on a job well done.
🎶Thanks for the memories...🎶 You guys provide a great music service for all of us=God bless you and your
music homework to come. C'ya on the flip side....
Arguably, the top music release news source online for those of us not especially into current mainstream pop. Salute!
Your love of music is infectious and this site is indispensable. Saying thank you is inadequate for the pleasure you've given and continue to give us
Thanks for all you do!
I've been following you and Music tap for 10 years or more. More than, Analog Planet, and CineSavant. God bless all of you and more Rock and Roll.
R.I.P. Neil Peart of Rush.
Richard from Brooklyn.
Congratulations, and keep up the great work! Thank you for keeping us informed about all the new releases that may not have any other way to be exposed. Here's to another 10 (+) years!
I've gotten heaps of useful info from Second Disc over the past decade. I especially appreciate the posts (such as the run-down for Horn Rock & Funky Guitar Grooves 1968-1974) which include detail info for individual tracks on reissues such as the year of original release and the label & catalog number. That must take a lot of time to research and compile. It's helpful to obsessives like me who like to include this metadata in my iTunes library. Am I the only one...?
Anyway, keep up the good work Second Disc! Here's to another 10 years and a Third Disc, Fourth Disc & Fifth Disc. To paraphrase Steve Albini: The future belongs to the CD loyalists. Fuck Digital.
Congrats! Keep up the great work!
Second Disc is a daily read. Keep up the good work!
Congrats and thanks! I enjoy reading this website on an almost daily basis. I've discovered several gems thanks to this website. Best, Mike
Come here every day. Wish you could post more. Thanks for all of your great work and please keep it up.
Greetings from Tasmania.
Thoroughly admire your knowledge and the eclectic range of music you discuss.
I have certainly purchased , more than once, something I’d otherwise not know about thanks to Second Disc.
The most Academic Rock/Pop music site I know.
All the best for 2020 and beyond.
I've been reading you guys since the beginning. Congratulations on a fabulous and informative first decade!